The Bay of Fundy is located on the Atlantic coast of North America. A study is being conducted to see if places along the Bay of Fundy can be a big tourist hotspot like the Cabot Trail or Peggy's Cove. The Bay of Fundy has some of the world's highest tides and a wide variety of tourist products can become available to take this location to the next level. A $10,000 study that is planned to be done by the end of February is being conducted on the Fundy shore area. The study hopes to show the area's current and proposed tourism developments and attractions. It will also analyze things like transportation links, accessability and accomadation capacity, which are all essential elements for any star tourist spot. The study will show researchers where holes in products and experiences and allow them to see what they need to do about it. Nova Scotia Tourism Visions say that three new star generator areas may attract somewheres between 600,00 - 750,000 visitors to the province a year. They belive that the Bay of Fundy has more potential has a tourist destination attraction. Some projects that are being planned include a new interpretive centre at the Joggins fossil cliffs and proposals for a Digby Area Fundy Discovery Centre, a Fundy Geological Museum expansion and a Cape Split trail system. Before any new tourist destinations are finalized, the roads need to be looked at to ensure that they provide a safe and comfortable access to the destinations, but can also enhance the expericence by offering things like amazing look-offs. Not only will the study help with the new planned tourist attractions, but it will show other oppurtunities that the Fundy has to offer in the future.
I personally think it is a great idea to show the rest of the world what Nova Scotia has to offer in tourism. The Bay of Fundy is a beautiful spot and it would be great if they did put tourist attractions there for more people to enjoy.
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It certainly is an amazing feature and people do come from all over the world to see it; we're lucky to live so close by!
Hi Kathryn: yes, it will be exciting to see this level of research be conducted in the Bay of Fundy. I can't think of any other country in the world who has this most amazing place! I work for an interprovincial non-profit association that is doing its bit to raise awareness of the bay and help develop sustainable tourism.
I also keep a Bay of Fundy themed blog...bayoffundy.blogspot.com...to share life on the big tide bay. Enjoying your blog!
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